Cover image guidelines

A good cover image for your release is super important. It’s usually the first thing people see – even before they hear your music – so make sure you upload an attractive cover.

Stores are quite strict about what cover images they allow. When stores reject a release, it’s usually due to the cover image containing forbidden content or being bad quality.

TL;DR: Square image, 1500×1500 or larger, containing only the artist- and release name, no other text, no offensive or protected content.


  • Upload an image that’s exactly square. Other dimensions are cut to become a square automatically and might cut off content.
  • Your image should be at least 1500×1500 pixels, but we prefer 3000×3000 if possible. Smaller images will be resized and might be rejected by stores.
  • Mention the artist- and release name. This is not allowed but encouraged. Mentioning other roles like producer is also allowed. (For example: prod. by Producer)
  • Use the ‘Parental Advisory’ badge if your release contains explicit content. Be sure to mark it as such in your release info.


  • Other than artist- and release-names, the image cannot contain any other words or text. This also includes lyrics and track names. Stores are quite strict about this and even text used as artwork or in the background might be rejected.
  • Mentioning or using imagery of brands, famous people, or otherwise protected content.
  • Use explicit (no nudes), racist or otherwise offensive content.