Metadata guidelines

We double-check all releases before they are distributed to stores. If we detect any metadata issues that might prevent your release from being processed, we’ll hold the release and notify you via e-mail (check your spam box!). After making the requested changes, you can re-submit your release and we’ll re-check everything.

General metadata guidelines

  • Don’t use protected names or brands in your metadata.
  • Don’t use any explicit, racist or otherwise offensive language.
  • Don’t copy or imitate existing (artist) names.



  • Use Title Case for your release and artist names. Other capitalisation styles will usually be rejected or changed automatically by stores.


  • Write your release name in ALL CAPS.
  • Use artist names in the release title.

Good to know

  • Releases with 3 or more primary artists will often be placed under ‘Various Artists’ in stores. This is something we can’t change or influence. If you don’t want this to happen, add extra artists as ‘featuring’ role.



  • Use Title Case for your track title and artist names. Other capitalisation styles will usually be rejected or changed automatically by stores.


  • Write your track name in ALL CAPS.
  • Use artist names in the track title.